

The Art of Aromatherapyan introduction to some of the
common essential oils often used in massage

( more oils will be added )


Many plants, flowers and wood resins contain glands filled with a volatile and aromatic oil that is commonly called an essential oil. By volatile we mean an oil that quickly evaporates on contact with air in contrast to a fatty oil that sinks and tends to penetrate the surface on which it falls. For example if you rub a leaf that containing essential oils the fragrance will raise in the air and evaporate after a short while.The essential oil in a plant gives it a particular fragrance and coupled with its colour and shape also a particular action on our bodies, emotions and minds. Essential oils can be used as part of a massage, as a perfume and also to prevent and help some forms of bacterial infections. In massage essential oils need to be diluted with a base oil as they can be too concentrated and irritating to be applied undiluted unto the skin. Some of the best base oils, also known as 'carrier oil, are sunflower seed oil, almond and grapeseed. I would recommend that you purchase these oils from a health food shop which can supply you with organic oils. For a full body massage or even to apply the essential oil in a particular area you can pour enough base oil to fill a tea saucer which normally can contain up to 40-50 ml of oil. In the base oil add 4 to 5 drops of your favourite essential oil. If you are mixing 2 oils than add 2 drops of each.

As a few individuals could be allergic to some of the essential oils first apply a small quantity of the massage combination in a small area of the skin and see whether it provokes an allergic reaction such as redness, itching and swelling.

If you have prepared a full saucer of the massage combination and you have only used a smaller quantity preserve for a couple of days the oil in the fridge or pour it in a dark glass bottle and keep it in a cool place away from sunlight.In the same way you can prepare larger amounts by filling a 100 ml bottle with the carrier oil and than adding 10 drops of your favourite essential oil or oils. You could even use these combinations as a present for friends.


Points to Remember


Some people are allergic to essential oils, so always apply a tiny amount to the skin before attempting a massage.

Do not use essential oils during pregnancy unless under highly competent medical supervision.

Essential oils should never be taken internally unless under highly competent medical supervision.

Massage over the abdomen very lightly and gently as it is a very sensitive area and stop at the slightest signs of discomfort

Essential oils evaporate quickly under sunlight, heat and dampness. Always store them in dark bottles away from hear, sunlight and dampness.

Once diluted the oil combination can last up to 3 months if properly stored and even better if kept in the fridge.

When beginning a massage, pour the diluted oil into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together gently till warm and than begin your massage. At first keep on adding oil to the body till your hands can glide comfortably. <

We will next look into the properties of some of the main essential oils which can be used to enhance massage and sensuality.


Properties of the Main Essential Oils

(this section explains general properties of the essential oils
but also mentions how lovers using massage to enhance
their sensuality can use essential oils for this purpose)


I shall now describe to you the properties of the some of the main essential oils that can be used for enhancing a massage session massage. In this chapter you can deepen this knowledge by understanding how to choose the oils that are best suited to you and your recipient. However at the end of the day the best method of choice is by trying various oils and experimenting with them. If you go to a health food shop that sells Aromatherapy products you can smell a few of them and choose them according to their fragrance.The pleasant fragrance of essential oils and their stimulating and sensual properties can greatly enhance your massage session relaxing or stimulating the receiver according to their needs. If you are massaging your partner essential oils and massage can enhance your lovemaking by relaxing your lover and make them more receptive to surrendering to the joys of sensuality.

Some oils are best suited for their relaxing and calming properties if you or your receiver tends to be tensed and apprehensive or for their stimulating properties to increase warmth and circulation in people that are cold and blocked. You can also mix a more relaxing oil with a stimulating one; it is up to you to experiment till you find those oils and combinations that are best suited to your and your lover's nature.


Are essential oils very expensive?

Some of the most sensual oils such as Rose and Jasmine can seem very expensive. That is due to the fact that those flowers are expensive to buy and only contain a small amount on the volatile oil thus needing a large quantity of the plant to produce even a small amount of essential oil. However don’t let this fact put you off from choosing your favourite oil. Remember that you only need to add a few drops to a combination for administering an effective and pleasant massage therefore a very small amount of an essential oil can go a long way. The Aromatherapy combination for the purpose to enhance sensuality can just be applied to small areas such as the lower back or the lower abdomen again greatly reducing the amount needed for a sensual massage.


The Emotional and Physical Aspects of Essential Oils


The information given in this regard is derived from various sources based on many centuries of practical knowledge and experimentation.

Aniseed ( Pimpinella anisum )

This oils acts as a sedative for the nervous sytem and it is also very good for digestion thus it is very good for digestive problems cause by stress and tension. For this purpose it is often massaged over the abdomen with another oil such as Chamomile or Orange Peel to soothe nervous indigestion. It has also a mild expectorant action and its calming properties are indicated for the spasms of a cough.

To alleviate colic, rub on the stomach of a small child, but do not use more than one drop to 50 ml (2 tablespoons) of base oil; adults double this amount, but do not repeat it more than twice a week in either case because of its sedative properties.



(Citrus Bergamia) If you smell the captivating aroma od the fruit still on its tree you can immediatly guess some of its qualities. Bergamot has an affinity for the nervous system and particularly for those who are debilitated, stressed and depressed. It lifts the spirits and restores a good mood. Few people can be allergic to this oils so remember as with all the oils to apply a small ammount to the skin first.
Medical research shows that past use, diluted as a douche to treat urinary and vaginal infections, may have led to problems of the female reproductive system so be very careful if you want to use for this purpose

Benzoin (Stirax benzoin)

This oil has a dark, thick and viscous consistency with a strong sweetish aroma. It is also a good general tonic with the added value that it does not over excite the system. Its main area of action is the respiratory system for weak and debiliated persons who run out of breath easily. It is also good to strengthen the nervous system thus useful for people under stress who also feel weak and lethargic.
This oil also improves the respiratory system by mildly aiding expectoration, while calming coughing spasms. With both an expectorant and soothing action, it is useful for colds, flu and sore throats.

Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis)

These small and pretty yellow flowers have been used for thousands of years for their relaxing and digestive properties. They are used to favour digestion when upset by tension and apprehension. They also help to soothe inflammation and pain anywhere in the body.

Chamomile can be used when the person is tensed and suffers with a taut and blocked abdomen, the classical 'butterflies' syndrome. It is also reputed to dissipate irritation and resentment that can hinder relationships. Indicated for irritated and listless children ( and adults too!)

Can also be used for stress, nervous tension, stress headaches and insomnia

Excessive use of Chamomile could create a sense of debility that will promptly disappear once the use of this oil is interrupted.

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)

This oil is much lighter than comon Sage and therefore it is better tolerated by the body. It is an excellent all round tonic particularly useful for the lungs and for those people who suffer with weaknesses of the respiratory system. It also tends to strengthen general vitality and lift depression.

It is reputed to promote the production of the oestrogenic hormones and is indicated during the menopause however it can slightly increase the menstrual flow so women should bear this in mind

Cypress ( Cupressus sempervirens )

This oil is mainly used to improve the circulatory system. It exerts an astringent and stimulating action. It strengthens the valves of the veins and tones their tissues helping conditions such a tendency to varicose veins, cold extremities and poor circulation of blood. Do not massage over varicose veins instead apply the oil to the feet.

Due to its astringent qualities if massaged over the abdomen can soothe diarrhoea

Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera)

Reputed to lift the spirits, calm the mind and dispel depression. It also mildly acts on the respiratory system by calming a cough and expelling mucus. It improves circulation; and tones up the skin. It has a slightly astringent action thus indicated for weak muscle tone, diarrhoea and genital discharges

When massaged with lavender on an injured area it can hasten recovery and soothe the pain as it help blood flow in the area and promotes healing.

It has been reputed over the ages to dispel negative emotions, dark thoughts and lift depression promoting a more relaxed, positive and spiritual attitude to life.

Geranium (Pelargonium odorantissimum)

This oil is renown for its sweet and heady fragrance and the flowers from which it is derived for its vibrant colours. Geranium like Chamomile is also slightly calming but whilst Chamomile can create a sense of tiredness if used over a longer time Geranium relaxes but does not debilitate. It is often used for dry skin as it promotes the promotion of moisture thus in Chinese terminology we can say that it increases the 'Yin' energy of the body thus promoting moisture, coolness and a sense of energy which does not overheat the body

Geranium will relax people whilst at the same time enhancing their romanticism and the capacity to transport themselves into a world of romanticism, fantasy and relaxation. It can trigger feelings of 'sweetness' and caring encouraging overs to touch each other with care and warmth.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Warming for body and mind, this is recommended for people who suffer from cold symptoms. It can be in the respiratory area where it helps to soothe colds and acts as an expectorant. In the digestive area it speeds up digestion particularly in cold and lethargic individuals and is effective to relief nausea. It also promotes circulation warming cold extremities. It also gives warmth to the whole body and stimulates vitality.

Like all hot herbs it should not be taken for too long a period by people who tend to have body heat symptoms like a red face, dry skin and areas of inflammation either on the skin or inside the body


Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)

If you have smelled the scent from the flowers in a warm summer night you will easily understand its actions. Jasmine has one of the most livening and inebriating aromas that can fill the night with passion and joy. In my experience the essential oil of Jasmine is the most potent aphrodisiac that can be applied over the body. Mixed with a carrier oil it is best massaged over the lower back and lightly over the abdomen.

It is reputed to lift the sense of guilt and self-loathing that so much can spoil our sensuality and sexuality. It also helps in cases of depression and low vitality. If you are not using it for sensual purposes you can apply it to lift depression, debility, low spirits and apathy

Juniper (Juniperus communis)

This is a warm plant with stimulant and diuretic properties, it is contra-indicated in the case of inflammation in the kidneys. Otherwise it is recommended to promote diuresis, it also helps to alleviate rehumatic pains particularly if they are worse in cold and damp wheather. It has also a slight tonic action and can give a little extra energy

Lavender ( Lavandula officinalis)

Lavender is probably the most popular essential oil and has many qualities and applications. Its most marked action is on the nervous system where it acts as a sedative useful for insomnia, stress and any neurological pain such as trigeminal neuralgia. Applied mixed to carrier oil to the temples and neck it can often soothe stress headaches. Applied to the hands and feet it can also promote circulation and soothe inflamed veins. Prolonged use as with most sedatives can cause a sense of lethargy and fatigue that promptly disappears once its use is discontinued.

Lavender has in my experience an almost miraculous action to soothe infections and inflammation. It can be applied pure over burns, insect bites, contusions, cuts and its healing effect is almost immediate.

Lavender has also a strong anti-bacterial and anti-spasmodica action helping conditions like coughs and bronchitis.

Lavender can help people who are shy and tense and who accumulate tension and are anxious and taut during love making. In these cases it is best massaged over the shoulders, temples, hands and feet.

Mandarin peel (Citrus nobilis)

This oil decongests the liver, and is useful for pain and discomfort in the right flank accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. It helps digestion, alleviating flatulence and belching, and has a mild astringent quality helpful in diarrhoea. It is also used as a mild expectorant expectorant. It also a mild anti-depressant action and helps to lift the spirits.

It has a similar action to orange peel but it is more astringent, so whilst mandarin peel would be indicated in cases of diarrhoea, orange peel is more indicated for constipation.

Marjoram (Origanum majorana)

Marjoram is highly regarded for its action on the respiratory system and on the nervous system. Very few plants have such a complementary action as marjoram when there is the need to combine tonic and calming actions. For example, there are individuals who are highly stressed and tense yet at the same time feel tired and fatigued. Marjoram can solve this problem by increasing stamina while ca1ming tension. It also soothes coughing spasms, strengthens the lungs and promotes expectoration; and is used for treating muscular aches and pains and arthritis.

Neroli (Citrus vulgaris)

This essential oil has a wonderful and captivating fragrance and is extracted from the orange flowers mainly from Seville, Spain. It is one of the best calming oils without excessive sedating effects. It promotes calmness, relaxation and good sleep whilst at the same time it revitalises and soothes the nervous system.

In lovemaking Neroli calms and soothes tension and anxiety whilst at the same time creating a sense of liveliness and happiness a great combination of qualities. If you think that making love under an orange grove bathed by the warm and glowing sun of Seville is great than Neroli is for you!

Orange Peel (Citrus aurantium)

This is a popular medicament used extensively throughout the ages in most cultures and traditional schools of medicine. It promotes good digestion, alleviates constipation and soothes the nervous system helping both too soothe and stimulate. It is, though, less calming than Neroli. It is also reputed to help the liver alleviating discomfort in the right flank with bitter taste in the mouth

It is used to relax people and give them a sense of fragrant well being, it's also particularly recommended when there is a tensed and taut abdomen

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Acts primarily on the digestive system, stimulating the digestive processes. Alleviates flatulence, belching and abdominal swelling; has a stimulating, refreshing effect on the whole body. It is also used for colds and flu and assists expectoration. It can be used for headaches which have a digestive cause. It also imparts a livening and refreshing effect useful for pick-me-up effect

Rose (Rosa damascus, gallica)

It is rare to find someone who is not captivated by the fragrance of Roses and the essential oil encapsulates all the power and magic of this beautiful flower. Rose in anti-inflammatory, slightly astringent and tonic making it and excellent remedy for the skin used in blemishes, red spots, wrinkled and saggy skin. Rose can lift depression, promote a joyful and loving state of mind, it tonifies without tensing and it relaxes without sedating.

Rose helps to cool the body and moisten dryness and is indicated for inflammation anywhere in the system. It has a mild relaxing and anti-inflammatory action on the liver and digestive organs

Rose is reputed to help individuals who have been hurt in their love life and feel depressed, resentful and unable to trust and open their heart to love and sensuality. Rose creates trust, and opens the heart to the beauty of love and sexuality. It promotes romanticism with a sense of trust and joy of life. The Rose is all its beauty contains thorns a reminder that it is part of life and of our inner growth that we have to know both pain and happiness and that should not stop us from living life to the full.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

The essential oil of Rosemary is warm, stimulant, it improves circulation and vitality and it should not be over-used by people who have difficulty in sleeping or have high blood pressure. Massaged over the feet and legs it improves circulation and body warmth. It has been used through the ages also to improve memory probably because it improves circulation to the head.

Rosemary is advised to those people who tend to be cold and lethargic with cold extremities and a cold abdomen that tends not to feel the warmth sensations of lovemaking. It is reputed to restore a healthy flow of blood to the abdomen and genital area.

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

The oil of this tree is widely used in the East, particularly in India, where it a paste made from the wood and applied to the forehead to promote peace of mind and meditation. It encourages clear and cool thinking and dissipates negative thoughts and bad moods. Sandalwood is also used for the relief of urinary infections and for this purpose the oil can be massaged with carrier oil over the lower abdomen. I like to add that also Lavender is very useful for this purpose.

Sandalwood brings a very important element between the lovers which is a soul or spiritual understanding, it helps them to feel closer to one another and sort differences and misunderstandings with a calm mind. Remember that it is rather difficult for a couple to have a happy sexual life when there is conflict and mental tension between them.

Tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

This is renowned for its effective action against bacteria, fungi and viruses particularly against fungi and compliments lavender very well in its anti-bacterila action. Tea-tree is the favourite essential oil for any problems arising from a candida infection.Massage over the bladder area for thrush infections or cystitis. Use in the bath to help various skin problems, particularly if fungal. A drop added to water as a face wash can improve acne.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Thyme yields a very strong, hot and pungent essential oil which should be used only in very small amounts. One drop added to a bath or to 50 ml (2 tablespoons) of massage oil is more than enough. Thyme has a very powerful action on the respiratory system; eliminates harmful germs as it is strongly anti-bacterial; is a very effective expectorant; and is good for bronchitis. It has a toning, heat producing and stimulating action; avoid in cases of high blood pressure and signs of excessive heat in the body like a red face, inflammed and dry skin.

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides)

Produces a pleasant sense of languor and relaxation, while refreshing the mind. Very good for the circulation; for treating hot inflamed extremities, and inflamed dry skin conditions. It also promotes relaxation without debilitating as a matter of fact it can give energy to people who are tired, listless and suffer with hot and dry symptoms

Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata)

The plant from which this essential oil is extracted is very popular in countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia and the Pacific islands where it is highly regarded as a slightly stimulant agent and a very good aphrodisiac.

Its sweet scent exhilarates the senses yet at the same time it is also mildly relaxing fulfilling the need for relaxation yet at the same time for excitation during lovemaking.

介紹一些 Aromatherapyan 的藝術



許多植物,花卉和木材樹脂含有腺體充滿著動盪和芳香油,通常被稱為精油。 揮發油,意味著我們很快就蒸發與空氣接觸而相比之下,一匯和脂肪油,往往滲透到表面,它的範圍。 例如,如果你擦了葉的含精油的香味會增加空氣中的蒸發經過短暫 while.The植物精油給它一個特定的香味再加上它的顏色和形狀也有特別的行動對我們的身體,情感和心靈。 精油可作為一部分,按摩,香水,同時也防止和幫助一些形式的細菌感染。 在按摩精油必須稀釋基礎油,因為他們可以過於集中和刺激性你們要應用未稀釋的皮膚。 一些最好的基礎油,也被稱為'載體油,是葵花籽油,杏仁和葡萄。 我建議你購買這些油從健康食品商店,可為您提供有機油。 對於一個全身按摩,或什至應用精油在特定區域,您可以倒足夠的基礎油,以填補茶碟通常可以包含多達 40-50毫升油。 在基礎油中添加4到5滴你最喜愛的精油。 如果你是混合油比2加2滴每個。


如果你已經準備了充分的按摩相結合飛碟,你只需要使用一個較小的數量維持為一對夫婦的天油倒在冰箱或它在一個黑暗的玻璃瓶,並保持它在陰涼的地方,遠離 sunlight.In同樣的方式,您可以通過填寫較大數額準備了100毫升瓶裝與載體油比加入10滴你最喜愛的精油或油。 你甚至可以使用這些組合作為禮物的朋友。








精油在陽光下迅速蒸發,熱和潮濕。 他們在黑暗中總是存儲瓶遠離聽,陽光和潮濕。

一旦稀釋油的組合可長達 3個月,如果妥善保存,甚至更好,如果存放在冰箱裡。

當開始按摩,倒入稀油到手掌你的手,輕輕揉搓,直到你的雙手合攏,比開始溫暖你的按摩。 起初,不斷增加石油的身體,直到你的手可以滑行舒適。 <






我現在向你描述的屬性的一些主要精油,可用於加強按摩會議按摩。 在本章中,您可以深化這方面的知識,他們了解如何選擇最好的油是適合你和你的收件人。 但在最後一天的最佳方法的選擇是通過嘗試各種油類和試驗他們。 如果你去一家健康食品商店,銷售香薰產品,您可以聞到它們,並選擇一些他們根據自己的fragrance.The清香宜人精油和他們的刺激和感官特性可以大大提高你的按摩放鬆或刺激會話接收機根據他們的需要。 如果你是你的伴侶按摩精油和按摩,可以增強你的做愛放寬你的愛人,讓他們更容易接受投降感性的樂趣。

一些油是最適合自己的放鬆和平靜的屬性,如果你或你的接收往往是緊張和不安或刺激性的,以增加他們的溫暖和流通情況的人是寒冷和封鎖。 您還可以更輕鬆混合油刺激之一,它是由你來實驗,直到你找到這些油和組合最適合您和您的愛人的性質。



一些最感性的油,如玫瑰和茉莉可以看起來很昂貴。 這是由於這一事實,即那些花是昂貴的購買和只包含少量的揮發油因此,需要大批量的生產廠,甚至少量的揮發油。 但是不要讓你離開這個事實,把從選擇您最喜愛的油。 請記住,你只需要添加幾滴管理相結合的有效和愉快的按摩,因此極少量的精油可以去很長的路要走。 芳香療法相結合為宗旨,以加強性感可以只適用於小的領域,如腰部或下腹部又大大減少了所需數額的感官按摩。





八角 (Pimpinella anisum)

這種油作為一種鎮靜的神經系統正,也是很好的消化因此這是非常良好的消化問題引起的緊張和壓力。 為此目的,往往是在腹部按摩與其他油,如甘菊或桔皮舒緩緊張消化不良。 它也有一個輕微的祛痰作用,其鎮靜性質的適應症是痙攣的咳嗽。




(柑橘Bergamia)如果你聞到香味誘人的水果仍然外徑的樹,你可以立刻猜出它的一些特質。 佛手柑具有親和力的神經系統,特別是對那些誰是虛弱,強調和沮喪。 它可以使精神和恢復好心情。 很少有人能有過敏反應,所以要記住這個油對於所有的精油取少量在皮膚上的第一。

安息香 (Stirax安息香)

這種油有一個黑暗,厚,具有較強的粘性一致性甜味的香氣。 這也是一個很好的滋補與一般的附加價值,它不超過激發系統。 它的主要行動領域是呼吸系統和debiliated弱的人誰跑出去呼吸容易。 這也是很好的神經系統從而加強人民有用的壓力下誰也感到虛弱和昏昏欲睡。
這種油還提高了對輕度呼吸系統協助咳痰,咳嗽痙攣而平靜。 與這兩個祛痰和舒緩作用,是非常有用的傷風,感冒和喉嚨痛。

甘菊 (黃菊鳙)

這些漂亮的小黃花已用於千百年來為他們的放鬆和消化性能。 它們被用於有利於消化時的緊張和憂慮不高興。 它們還有助於舒緩發炎和疼痛在身體的任何地方。

洋甘菊時可以使用該人患有與緊張和繃緊,阻止腹部,古典式蝴蝶綜合徵。 它也被譽為刺激和怨恨消散可能阻礙關係。 為表示憤怒和冷漠的兒童(及成人了!)



快樂鼠尾草 (香紫蘇)

這種油比comon輕得多,因此它是聖人與被人體更好的耐受性。 這是一個很好的補品,特別是全面有益的肺和為這些人誰患上了呼吸道系統的弱點。 它也通常一般的活力和加強電梯抑鬱症。


賽普拉斯 (柏杉)

這種油主要用於改善循環系統。 它潛移默化收斂劑,刺激的行動。 它增強了閥門的靜脈和聲調其組織幫助等條件的傾向,靜脈曲張,四肢發冷和血液循環不暢。 不要按摩超過靜脈曲張改為適用的油腳。


乳香 (乳香thurifera)

被譽為精神振奮,頭腦冷靜,消除抑鬱症。 它還輕度作用於呼吸道系統鎮定咳嗽和驅逐粘液。 它促進血液循環和皮膚的色調了。 它有一個行動,從而表明略有澀弱肌肉張力,腹瀉和生殖器排放



天竺葵 (香葉odorantissimum)

這種油是其著名的甜蜜而醉人的芬芳的花朵從它推導出其充滿活力的顏色。 天竺葵喜歡洋甘菊也稍微平靜,但同時洋甘菊可以創建一個使用感疲勞,如果在一個較長時間的天竺葵放鬆,但不衰弱。 它通常用於皮膚乾燥,因為它促進了水分從而促進在中國的術語,我們可以說,它增加了'賢'的能量從而促進身體的水分,清涼感和能源,不會過熱的身體

天竺葵會放鬆的人,而在同一時間提高他們的浪漫主義和運輸自己的能力成為世界的浪漫主義,幻想和放鬆。 它可以觸發感情的'甜頭'和關懷鼓勵接管彼此接觸的關懷和溫暖。


變暖的身體和心靈,這是誰推薦的人患感冒的症狀。 它可以在呼吸領域它有助於舒緩感冒和行為作為祛痰。 它在消化領域的消化速度,特別是在寒冷和昏睡個人和噁心是有效的救濟。 它還促進流通變暖四肢冰冷。 它也給溫暖到全身,刺激活力。



茉莉花 (素馨鐵皮)

如果你已經聞到香味,花了一個溫暖的夏日夜晚你會很容易明白它的行動。 茉莉花有一個最livening和inebriating香味,可以填補晚上用激情和歡樂。 根據我的經驗茉莉精油是最有效的壯陽藥,可用於全身。 與運營商的混合油,最好在按摩下背部和腹部輕滑過。

這是被譽為解除內疚感和自我厭惡,這麼多可以破壞我們的感官和性慾。 它還有助於例抑鬱症和低活力。 如果您不使用對感官的目的,你也可以將它解除抑鬱,乏力,消沉和冷漠

杜松 (刺柏群落)

這是一個溫暖的植物與興奮劑和利尿的屬性,它是禁忌的案件表明,在腎臟炎症。 否則,建議,以促進利尿,它也有助於減輕 rehumatic痛苦尤其是當它們在寒冷和潮濕差wheather。 它也有一個輕微的滋補作用,可以給一點額外的能量

薰衣草 (薰衣草厚朴)

薰衣草可能是最流行的精油,有許多素質和應用。 其最顯著的行動是對神經系統,在那裡作為一個有用的鎮靜劑失眠,壓力和任何神經疼痛,如三叉神經痛。 應用混合載體油的寺廟和脖子上經常可以舒緩壓力頭痛。 適用於手和腳也能促進血液循環及舒緩發炎的靜脈。 長期使用與大多數鎮靜藥可引起嗜睡和疲勞感的消失,一旦其及時停止使用。

薰衣草在我的經驗幾乎是奇蹟般的行動,以安撫感染和發炎。 它可應用於純以上燒傷,蚊蟲叮咬,挫傷,割傷,其癒合的影響幾乎是立竿見影。


薰衣草可以幫助人們誰是害羞,緊張,誰積累的緊張和焦慮,是在做愛繃緊。 在這種情況下,最好在按摩肩部,寺廟,手和腳。

普通話果皮 (柑橘鳙)

這種油decongests肝臟,是有益的疼痛和不適在右側伴隨苦味在嘴裡。 它可以幫助消化,緩解腹脹,噯氣,並有輕微腹瀉澀質量很有幫助。 它也可以用來作為一種溫和的祛痰化痰。 這也是一個溫和的抗抑鬱作用,有助於精神振奮。


馬鬱蘭 (牛至馬約喇納)

馬鬱蘭是高度重視其行動對呼吸系統和神經系統。 植物很少有這樣的互補行動,馬鬱蘭有需要時,結合滋補和平靜的行動。 例如,有個人誰是高度重視和緊張但在同一時間感到疲倦和疲倦。 馬鬱蘭可以解決這個問題,增加耐力,而ca1ming緊張。 它還舒緩咳嗽痙攣,加強和促進肺排痰;並用於治療肌肉疼痛和關節炎。

橙花 (柑橘尋常)

這有一個美好的精油和迷人的芬芳,是橙色的花朵提取主要來自西班牙的塞維利亞。 這是一個最好的平靜沒有過多的油鎮靜作用。 它促進了平靜,放鬆和良好的睡眠,而在同一時間 revitalises和舒緩神經系統。

在做愛橙花平靜,減輕壓力和焦慮,而在同一時間創造活力和幸福感相結合的一個偉大的品質。 如果你認為做愛下橘園沐浴陽光的溫暖和光輝偉大的塞維利亞是比橙花是為你!

桔皮 (枳殼)

這是一種流行的藥劑廣泛用於各個時期的文化和傳統,在大多數學校的藥。 它促進良好的消化,緩解便秘,舒緩神經系統的幫助都太撫慰和刺激。 這是,雖然,少比橙花平靜。 它也被譽為幫助肝減輕不適在右側與苦味在嘴裡


薄荷 (薄荷薄荷)

行為主要消化系統,刺激消化過程。 緩解脹氣,噯氣,腹部腫脹,有刺激,提神的作用對整個身體。 它也可用於感冒和流感,並協助排痰。 它可用於頭痛,其中有一個消化的原因。 這也透露出一個 livening和提神的作用有用的提神效果就

玫瑰 (大馬士革玫瑰,gallica)

這是罕見的人誰不著迷的芬芳的玫瑰精油和封裝了所有的力量和魔法這個美麗的花。 玫瑰消炎,稍澀和補品使它和優秀的補救瑕疵的肌膚使用,紅色斑點,皺紋和下垂的皮膚。 玫瑰可以解除憂鬱,快樂和愛推廣的心態,它tonifies沒有拉緊,並沒有放鬆鎮靜。

羅斯幫助冷卻身體滋潤乾燥和發炎的任何地方被用於在系統中。 它有一個溫和的放鬆和抗炎作用對肝臟和消化器官

玫瑰被譽為幫助個人誰傷害了他們熱愛生活,感到沮喪,不滿,無法信任,打開他們的心,愛與感性。 玫瑰創造信任,並打開心的美麗的愛情與性。 它促進了浪漫主義的信任感和快樂的生活。 玫瑰是它的美麗包含所有荊棘提醒人們,它是生活的一部分,和我們的內在成長,我們必須知道,這兩個痛苦和幸福,這不應該阻止我們從居住生活的全部。

迷迭香 (迷迭香)

迷迭香精油是溫暖的,興奮劑,它促進血液循環和活力,它不應該被過度使用有困難的人誰在睡覺或有高血壓。 在按摩腳和腿有促進血液循環和身體的溫暖。 它已被用於千古也提高記憶力可能是因為它促進血液循環的頭部。

迷迭香,建議對這些人誰往往是冷,昏昏欲睡冷四肢和腹部的感冒往往不覺得做愛的溫暖感覺。 這是被譽為恢復健康的血液流動到腹部和生殖器區域。

紫檀 (檀香)

這種樹的油被廣泛應用於東方,尤其是在印度,在那裡一貼木材製成並應用到額頭上,以促進和平的心態和冥想。 它鼓勵清晰和冷靜的思考和消散的消極想法和壞情緒。 檀香也用於尿路感染的緩解,而為此目的的按摩油可以在與運營商油小腹。 我想補充一點,也薰衣草是非常有用的用於這一目的。

檀香帶來了一個非常重要的因素是戀人之間的靈魂或精神的理解,幫助他們感覺更接近彼此的分歧和誤解和排序以冷靜的態度。 請記住,這是相當困難的一對夫婦有一個幸福的性生活時有衝突,他們之間的精神緊張。

茶樹 (互葉白千層)

這是一向以有效的行動對細菌,真菌和病毒,特別是對真菌和讚揚薰衣草相當不錯,在其反bacterila行動。 茶樹精油是最喜歡的任何問題引起的念珠菌infection.Massage面積在膀胱感染或膀胱炎鵝口瘡。 在洗澡時使用,以幫助各種皮膚問題,尤其是當真菌。 阿滴加入水作為洗臉可以改善痤瘡。

百里香 (胸腺尋常)

百里香產生非常強烈,辣,刺鼻的精油應該只在非常小的金額。 一滴添加到洗澡或50毫升(2湯匙)的按摩油是綽綽有餘。 百里香有一個非常強大的行動對呼吸系統;消除有害的細菌,因為它是強烈的反細菌,是一種非常有效的祛痰,以及良好的支氣管炎。 它有一個調子,熱生產和刺激作用,避免在案件高血壓和過熱的跡象,在身體就像一個紅色的臉,發炎和皮膚乾燥。

香根草 (香根草zizanoides)

產生倦怠感愉快和放鬆,而清新的頭腦。 非常好的流通;治療下肢紅腫熱及發炎皮膚乾燥的條件。 它還可以放鬆作為緊急事項不傷元氣的事實可以給能量的人誰累了,無精打采,遭受炎熱和乾燥的症狀與

依蘭 (Cananga飛機草)



它可以傳遞更多的能量,而無需創建 restlesness和過度加熱系統。

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